Yesterday, I finished reading a book called, 'The Presence and Work of the Holy Spirit' by R. A. Torrey. As I closed the final page, I was astonished to realize how much I had learned.
I couldn't help but wonder why I did not know a lot of what was written here. After all, not only had I attended a Catholic Grade School, but a High School as well. Upon Graduation, I then attended a Full Gospel Church, switching from Catholicism to Pentecostal, because I didn't feel I was being adequately fed. I wanted to be taught straight from the Bible itself. Though I do not attend the same Pentecostal church I did all those years ago, I have remained in Bible teaching churches until this present day, yet this book taught me things I had yet to know. I was shocked, to tell you the truth. After all, I've attended churches that profess to allow Holy Spirit free reign. That's what I wanted, and thought I was receiving.
Oh well, I also suppose it is much like going to the doctor in today's world. In order to get proper medical treatment, you must, in a sense, "be your own doctor." When you visit a physician, it's a wise decision to armed with information. It's a good idea to bring a list of questions to ask them, and not to fully rely on them to do all the deciding for you in regards to your health. Thank God for the Internet, second opinions, and of course, good old fashioned prayer!
I've found that it is the same in regards to our spiritual health. We have to seek for ourselves the truth that will guide us rightfully on the path, not only to the destiny that God has for each one of us, but ultimately to the path of Eternal Life. Only Holy Spirit can truly show us these paths. We have to know Him, though, in order to be led by Him.
One of the statements in this book is, "We should not ask, 'How can I get more of the Holy Spirit?' but rather, 'How can Holy Spirit have get more of me?'" (The paraphrase is mine.) Until this morning in prayer, I never knew there was a difference.
For years, I have had a challenge in my dealings with a certain family in my life. I could never put my finger on what the problem was, so I did what the book said to do, and asked Holy Spirit to show me. Within minutes, I could see things that I didn't realize before. He showed me what I was harboring in my heart towards them. Although I could say these attitudes were justified because of their behavior to me over the years, I have come to know that there is no such justification as far as Jesus is concerned.
His command is clear. He says, "Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Period! He doesn't say, "I understand that they have treated you so unfairly, and down right mean, over the years. You have a right to hold your feelings against these people!" No! He says, "Daughter, if you do not forgive them, I cannot forgive you!" Yikes!
As Holy Spirit showed me, one by one, the things I was holding against them, I confessed each resentment I was harboring as sin, and applied the Blood of Jesus to them, one at a time. I had no idea there were so many!
As I continued to do this, I heard that still small voice that the Bible talks about. In my mind, and in my heart, I heard, "This is how you give more of yourself to Me. By doing what you are doing, you are making more room in your heart for Me to dwell. Now, I've got more of you!"
In that moment, I understood that there was a difference, and what that difference was. I was then able to say in response, "Holy Spirit, now I understand! Thank You! I will ever make more room for You to dwell in me!"
1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that
your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God,
and ye are not your own?