I wanted a place where I could go when I needed a minute of quiet amidst the noise. I converse with God all throughout the day, and I wanted somewhere to jot down some of the insights that are born out of these conversations with Him. I needed a place where I can go to reflect upon these "revelations" and be nourished by them. Thus, the birthing of this book.
God captures my attention all day long. I see Him in everything, everywhere, and in everyone. I see other things too...like the bad stuff that goes on in the world. I see the bad people who are out there; evil-minded bandits, who are only out to hurt others.
But I choose to see Jesus in everything, everywhere, in as many people as I can, as often as possible. Life works for me this way. In fact, in order to focus more on the good in life, seven years ago, I canceled my cable, and gave away my television. I couldn't find anything on it that was worth listening to anymore. I found that when I did this, I started participating in life more, instead of watching it pass by on a TV screen. My life improved when I made that choice. I wish I would have done it sooner.
The biggest desire I have in life is to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. To me, that means I know Him well enough so that I see with His eyes, touch with His hands, speak with His words, and love with His heart. I have a long way to go.
This book is where I share the lessons that He teaches me, dissect the insights He gives me, and pen the experiences I encounter while on my journey to know; to really, really know, the Son of the Most High God, my Lord, my Savior, my All in All, Jesus Christ!
Deuteronomy 6:5 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your mind and heart, and with your entire being, and with all your might.
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