On my way to church today, as usual, I used the time to converse with God.
A few miles out onto the highway, the Lord starting talking to me about my speedometer. He pointed out the fact, that the numbers on it rarely match the numbers posted on the speed limit signs. Then, He politely mentioned that when I choose to speed, I am allowing a spirit of rebellion to operate in my life.
Honestly, I was a little stunned. I really never thought about it like that before. I simply found it fun, and chalked it up to the having a need for speed. I enjoyed playing games with the clock, always trying to reduce my time by another minute with each trip. I'm confident in my driving skills, and take a bit of pride in my ability to maneuver tight corners without needing to hit the brakes. Why, I'm one of the best driver's I know!
My first thought was, "Gee, how boring would driving become if I would stick to the speed limits? I don't know how I would even be able to do it!"
God wouldn't let me off the hook, though. He explained that the law is put into place to keep order. The law posts speed limits to keep the roadways safe, and even if I don't agree with what those speed limits happen to be, that I am still called to abide by them.
He reminded me that His Word tells me that I am to submit to those who are in authority over me. He went on to say that if I really wanted to please Him like I say I do, then, from now on, I need to drive only as fast as the posted speed limits allow.
I really didn't want to hear that, but I knew that my speeding days were over!
He knew He had me the minute He said, "If you really want to please me, then you will choose to..."
Above all things, I want to please Him. I want to be like Jesus, and say to my Father, "Not my will, but Yours will I do!"
I backed off the accelerator, bringing my speed to a turtle crawl of 55mph. Without having cruse control, I found it difficult to keep my speed steady. Whew! I never knew driving could be such an effort!
Oh well, small price to pay to do the Lord's will...
1 Peter 2:13-14 "Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right."
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